Tuesday, January 16th, 2018
10 am to 4 pm
9020 King Palm Drive
Tampa, FL 33619
If you have not been to a Core-Mark Open House event, it is highly recommended that you set aside the time to go to their facility.
It is safe to say that the majority of convenience store owners spend hours each week shopping at local warehouse clubs for their merchandise in their stores. This is perceived to save the store owner money, when in fact, in most cases, it actually costs the store owner more.
In the grand scheme of things, the time it takes for you to shop at your competitor for bulk priced items costs you the amount you would earn if you were running your store, and it is also an opportunity cost that takes away from your business.
In addition to these costs, are you buying the right products? Are you buying the correct amount of products? Are you even aware of your turn over ratio for those products in your cart?
If you are unsure of the answer to the questions above, it would benefit you to take a look at the benefits of bringing in a grocer that can show you your turnover rates, that can effectively place products in your store for maximum sales, and consult you based on data and demographics in your particular store’s area.
If anything, you should at least visit Core-Mark’s open house event so you can see what they bring to the table.
Their Marketing Team is like no other grocer. They are a data driven company that uses demographics and analytics to develop customized strategies that benefit your retail location a quality destination. View their video below to learn more about this offering:
Focused Marketing Initiative (FMI) from Core-Mark International on Vimeo.
Core-Mark also uses the latest technology for an efficient and easy ordering process. This kind of application brings store orders to a whole new sophisticated level that helps you stay on top of your inventory management.
Technology: Core-Mark from Core-Mark International on Vimeo.
The open house is being held Tuesday, January 16th, 2018 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Tampa facility located at 9020 King Palm Drive, Tampa, FL 33619.
While visiting, you will have an opportunity to view their setups, see their programs, sample their products, tour their warehouse, and meet with their division President, Jason Nevin!
The visit does require signing up, but is free to attend. Download their flier here.
You can RSVP by phone, fax or email (listed below).
•Phone: 813-664-0474, ask for Customer Service
•Fax: 813-664-0850, Attn: Customer Service
•E-Mail: [email protected]
Southeast Petro Distributors, Inc. uses Core-Mark and other grocers throughout their retail locations. Core-Mark has been a great asset to some of our busiest locations. We highly recommend you give them a chance to show you what they bring to the table.