At Southeast Petro we would like to emphasize the importance of taking pro-active measures to ensure compliance with laws prohibiting the sale of BPtobacco-creditUSAirForcetobacco products to minors and with laws governing tobacco sales generally.  As we learn of other programs and practices and as we develop programs at our own stores, we will share them with you to help you promote responsible tobacco sales at your location.

Suggested Practices

1. Each outlet’s ‘‘key person’’ should receive comprehensive initial and refresher training concerning the sale of tobacco products, including discussion of health reasons, with the expectation that similar training will also be provided for or made available to all persons involved in the sale of tobacco products.

2. No use of vending machines for tobacco products or smoking aids such as rolling paper, lighters, matches, and pipes.

3. No self-service merchandising or display of tobacco products or smoking aids.

4. Treat sales of smoking aids the same as tobacco products with regard to age verification.

5. No sale of cigarettes individually or in packs with fewer than twenty.

6. No distribution of free samples of tobacco products on store property.

7. No sale of tobacco look-alike products, i.e. non-tobacco products designed to look like tobacco products, such as bubble gum cigars or candy cigarettes.

8. Check I.D. of all persons appearing to be under age 30 who are seeking to purchase tobacco products or smoking aids; if available, employ cash registers that determine age.

9. Unless otherwise required by law, accept only government-issued photo I.D. as proof of age.

10. Avoid increasing youth demand for tobacco products by limiting in-store advertising of tobacco products.

11. Implement a program of unannounced compliance checks designed to determine whether retail outlet staff are

12. Complying with your I.D. checking policy and tobacco sales laws.

Useful Sites / Reference