The Southeast Petro Team

Summit Shah
Summit started off helping his dad, Mike, while they ran their first gas station. He helped to fill customer’s tanks with fuel, wash their windshields, and give the personal touch to customer service like Southeast Petro does still today. Summit learned from his dad that to succeed in the business, you have to have values and integrity, and as the President, he has exuded those principals in every facet of his day to day operations of the company. Summit is carrying on the legacy that his dad has built, and will continue to bring the core values he was taught to every customer that he deals with.

Mike Shah
Mike started off in the fuel industry with one gas station in Cocoa, FL, and has built the business to what it is today through hard work and dedication to his family and his community. Now, Southeast Petro supplies over 400 stations throughout Florida, Georgia and Alabama and employs well over 100 people. Mike is a people person, and he is there for his customers from beginning to end. His philosophy is relationship over all else, and he is the patriarch of Southeast Petro and all that the company stands for today.

Executive Team
(From Left to Right)
Monica—Vice President and Corporate Treasurer
Lauren—Executive Assistant
Mike— Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Rashmi—Senior Treasurer
Not Pictured:
Michael Hsu—Chief Financial Officer
Retail Accounting Team
(Back Row – From Left to Right)
Tanya—Accounts Payable Specialist
Melissa—Accounting Clerk
Sam—Accounting Clerk/Amcom Administrator
Terry—Retail Operations Finance Manager
Linda—Accounting Clerk
Rhonda—Accounting Clerk
(Front Row – From Left to Right)
Mary—Filing Clerk
Quessie—Accounts Payable Specialist
Jan—Accounting Clerk
Norma—Filing Clerk
Not Pictured:
Laurie—Accounts Receivable Specialist

Real Estate Team
(From Left to Right)
Bernie—Real Estate Manager
PK—Real Estate Accountant
Not Pictured:
Quessie—Real Estate Assistant
Retail Operations Team
(From Left to Right)
Michelle—District Manager
Davey—District Manager
Lori—Senior District Manager
Michael—Senior Director of Retail Operations
Rene—Administrative Assistant
Helen—District Manager

Wholesale Accounting Team
(From Left to Right)
Leslie—Junior Wholesale Accountant
Bob—Wholesale Operations Assistant Controller
Alisha—Accounting Clerk
Kara—Accounting Clerk
May—Lead Accounting Clerk/Dispatch Assistant
Not Pictured:
Yvonne—Customer Relations Manager/Dispatcher
Abby—Accounting Clerk
Wholesale Operations Team
(From Left to Right)
Lysandra—Administrative Assistant
Mariah—Brand Manager
Steven—Brand Manager
Ryan—Director of Business Development
Ashley—Branded Fleet Representative
Jim—Brand Manager
Rhonda—Brand Ambassador
Tes—Brand Manager
Ashley—Director of Marketing
Not Pictured:
Alicia—Brand Manager