Southeast Petro customers, please be advised that we have received the following advisory from Verifone in regards to an email scam that could potentially affect you. Please read carefully so that you know what to look for and protect yourself from this sort of threat:
DISCLAIMER: This advisory is provided “as is” for informational purposes only. This security advisory may be shared with VeriFone clients. VeriFone does not provide warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.
May 20, 2016
IMPORTANT UPDATE RE: Email Scam sent from “[email protected]”
The following is an important update regarding the Verifone Security Advisory pasted below, which was issued on May 6, 2016 to alert Verifone clients of fraudulent emails appearing to be sent from [email protected]
and containing “VeriFone Services UK and Ireland Ltd” in the subject line. We advised clients to not open any files attached to such emails, as they could contain a virus, malware or ransomware.
It has since come to our attention that emails appearing to be from [email protected] and containing “VeriFone Services UK and Ireland Ltd” in the subject line, are not in all cases fraudulent.
Instead, when it comes to such emails, you should ONLY BE SUSPICIOUS IF the attachment it contains is anything other than a PDF. Essentially, if the attachment is anything other than a PDF, then the email is likely fraudulent.
Additional information on this scheme can be found on My Online Security (CLICK HERE) .
Legitimate billings from Verifone will contain the details of the Verifone entity e.g. “Verifone Services UK and Ireland”, followed by your business name in the subject line. In ALL cases a PDF file will be attached.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.
Joe Majka
SVP, Chief Risk Management Officer & CSO